What is sanctum?
- Solana LST(Liquid staked token)gate
- dealing process of generating, exchanging sanctum made LST tokens. Not just a simple lst, Validator LSTs are introduced to boost validator efficiency via tokenization. To bolster liquidity and facilitate efficient staking operations, Sanctum introduces a Reserve Pool and a Router. The platform accommodates a variety of LSTs, establishing a broad and cohesive ecosystem for staking alternatives.
Recently, $CLOUD surge a lot due to bnSOL's listing on Binance and then pulled back, so I think it is at a good price to enter.
TVLs/Fee going crazy

- In about 10 days, TVL increased by nearly $200M
Jito($2.2B) > Marinade($1.32B) = Sanctum($1.21B) > Solayer($230M)

- A few days ago, sanctum’s LST(not include infinity) fee exceeded $1M
(Bybit sol fees are collected into this wallet, but the exact rate of fee has not been disclosed)
Infinity's inf pool fee is excluded
Only Solayer was mentioned in the collaboration with Binance

- Many CTs said bnsol is published by solayer and has nothing to do with sanctum
→ no. bnSOL's main staking destination is solayer, but if you look at various circumstances and Founder's forum posting, you can see that there was an NDA using sanctum's open source.